今日のCoq: 型づけ規則とそれに関する補題
証明したかった補題はTAPLに載っている「Inversion of the typing relation」という補題です。TAPL曰く、Immediate from the definitionらしいです。
(* typing t tenvは、型環境tenvにおいてtが型づけ可能ならSome type、型がつかないならNoneを返す。 *) Lemma InvTypeRelVar : forall (tenv : list (string * type)) (x : string) (r : type), Some r = typing (Var x) tenv -> In (x,r) tenv.
InvTypeRelVar < Proof. InvTypeRelVar < intros until r. 1 subgoal tenv : list (string * type) x : string r : type ============================ Some r = typing (Var x) tenv -> In (x, r) tenv
InvTypeRelVar < induction tenv. 2 subgoals x : string r : type ============================ Some r = typing (Var x) nil -> In (x, r) nil subgoal 2 is: Some r = typing (Var x) (a :: tenv) -> In (x, r) (a :: tenv)
InvTypeRelVar < simpl. 2 subgoals x : string r : type ============================ Some r = None -> False subgoal 2 is: Some r = typing (Var x) (a :: tenv) -> In (x, r) (a :: tenv) InvTypeRelVar < discriminate. 1 subgoal a : string * type tenv : list (string * type) x : string r : type IHtenv : Some r = typing (Var x) tenv -> In (x, r) tenv ============================ Some r = typing (Var x) (a :: tenv) -> In (x, r) (a :: tenv)
InvTypeRelVar < simpl. 1 subgoal a : string * type tenv : list (string * type) x : string r : type IHtenv : Some r = typing (Var x) tenv -> In (x, r) tenv ============================ Some r = (let (key, v) := a in if string_dec x key then Some v else assoc x tenv) -> a = (x, r) \/ In (x, r) tenv
で、ここから先に進めない。string_dec x keyが成立する場合と成立しない場合の2つのsubgoalに分けれればいけそうなんだけど・・・。
(* simple typed lambda calculus *) Require Import Arith.EqNat. Require Import Arith. Require Import Recdef. Require Import List. Require Import String. Require Import Bool.DecBool. (* simple type *) Inductive type : Set := BoolT : type | FunT : type -> type -> type. Inductive term : Set := Var : string -> term | Bool : bool -> term | Lambda : string -> type -> term -> term | Apply : term -> term -> term. (* Eval *) Fixpoint subst (t : term) (old : string) (new : term) := match t with | Bool _ => t | Var x => if string_dec x old then new else t | Lambda x type body => if string_dec x old then t else Lambda x type (subst body old new) | Apply t1 t2 => Apply (subst t1 old new) (subst t2 old new) end. Definition is_value (t : term) := match t with Var _ | Bool _ | Lambda _ _ _ => true | Apply _ _ => false end. Fixpoint step (t : term) := match t with Var _ | Bool _ | Lambda _ _ _ => t | Apply (Lambda x _ body as t1) t2 => if is_value t2 then subst body x t2 else Apply t1 (step t2) | Apply t1 t2 => Apply (step t1) t2 end. Fixpoint term_length (t : term) := match t with Bool _ | Var _ => 1 | Lambda _ _ body => 1 + term_length body | Apply t1 t2 => 1 + term_length t1 + term_length t2 end. (* typing *) Fixpoint assoc {A : Type} (x : string) (xs : list (string * A)) := match xs with | nil => None | (key, v) :: ys => if string_dec x key then Some v else assoc x ys end. Fixpoint beq_type (t1 : type) (t2 : type) := match (t1,t2) with (BoolT,BoolT) => true | (FunT t1 t2, FunT t3 t4) => andb (beq_type t1 t3) (beq_type t2 t4) | _ => false end. Fixpoint typing (t : term) (tenv : list (string * type)) := match t with Bool _ => Some BoolT | Var x => assoc x tenv | Lambda x ty1 body => match typing body ((x,ty1)::tenv) with None => None | Some ty2 => Some (FunT ty1 ty2) end | Apply t1 t2 => match (typing t1 tenv, typing t2 tenv) with (Some (FunT ty11 ty12),Some ty13) => if beq_type ty11 ty13 then Some ty12 else None | _ => None end end. (* theorem *) Definition value (t : term) := match t with Var _ | Bool _ | Lambda _ _ _ => True | Apply _ _ => False end. Lemma NoneSome : forall (A : Type) (t : A), None = Some t -> False. Proof. intros A t. discriminate. Qed. (* Inversion of the typing relation *) Lemma InvTypeRelVar : forall (tenv : list (string * type)) (x : string) (r : type), Some r = typing (Var x) tenv -> In (x,r) tenv. (* Lemma CanonicalForms_Bool : forall (v : term), (value v /\ typing v nil = Some BoolT) -> (v = Bool true \/ v = Bool false). *)