99 Bottles of Beer

30分プログラム、その537。"99 Bottles of Beer"を出力してみよう。

9コマンドは『99 Bottles of Beer』(アメリカの数え歌で、プログラミングの例題でよく利用される)の歌詞を出力する。




1> bottles:print(99).
99 Bottles of beer on the wall
99 Bottles of beer
Take one down and pass it around

98 Bottles of beer on the wall
98 Bottles of beer
Take one down and pass it around


2 Bottles of beer on the wall
2 Bottles of beer
Take one down and pass it around

1 Bottles of beer on the wall
1 Bottles of beer
Take one down and pass it around

0 Bottles of beer on the wallok



bottle(0) ->
    "0 Bottles of beer on the wall";
bottle(N) ->
    S =io_lib:format(
	 "~p Bottles of beer on the wall\n"
	 "~p Bottles of beer\n"
	 "Take one down and pass it around\n\n",

print(N) ->